About SHIMADZU ID Service
SHIMADZU ID Service is an authentication service for using various membership services provided by Shimadzu Corporation and its subsidiaries. The following services can be used with one ID. Our services will continue to expand in the future.
for Analytical and Measuring Instruments (日本版、言語:日本語)
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My SHIMADZU for Analytical and Measuring Instruments (日本版、言語:日本語)アカウント登録(以下「My SHIMADZU for Analytical」という)
My SHIMADZU for Analyticalアカウントは無料でご登録いただけます。アカウントを作成すると、ドキュメントのダウンロード、会員限定Webセミナー動画のご視聴、お気に入り製品の関連情報など、サイトにあるすべての機能をご利用できるようになります。
Analytical and Measuring Instruments (Global Website, Language: English)
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Shimadzu provides a broad range of analytical instruments indispensable for research, development, and quality control in a variety of fields. Our high-level, sophisticated instruments include chromatographs, spectrometers, and elemental and surface analysis systems. We also provide a broad range of high-precision physical testing and measuring technology that is essential for product development and quality assurance.
Signing Up for a My SHIMADZU for Analytical and Measuring Instruments (Global Website, Language: English) Account (hereafter “My SHIMADZU for Analytical” )
You can register for a My SHIMADZU for Analytical account for free with your name and email address. Creating an account gives you access to all site functions, including downloading documents, accessing member-only webinars, personalized recommendations, the bookmark function, faster responses to inquiries, and member-only newsletters.
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Instruments, Inc.
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Headquartered in Columbia, Maryland, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments (SSI) is the American subsidiary of Shimadzu Corporation (Kyoto, Japan), a world leader in the development of scientific instruments. SSI was established in 1975 as a distribution center providing analytical solutions to a wide range of laboratories and lab service providers in the Americas. Today, SSI’s focus has expanded greatly beyond distribution. SSI maintains a network of ten regional offices strategically located across the United States with experienced technical specialists, service engineers, and sales staff situated throughout the country. SSI also manages a state-of-the-art customer training and education center, and Shimadzu U.S.A. Manufacturing, which supplies HPLC, GC-MS/MS, LC-MS/MS, and other high-tech products to the U.S. market.
Signing Up for a Shimadzu Account
You can register for a Shimadzu account for free with your name and email address. Creating an account gives you access to all site functions, including downloading documents, accessing member-only webinars, personalized recommendations, the bookmark function, faster responses to inquiries, and member-only newsletters.
Shimadzu Scientific
Instruments (Taiwan) Co., Ltd.
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台灣島津科學儀器股份有限公司於2013年4月成立,為日本綜合分析儀器製造商「島津製作所」之台灣據點。本公司附設應用開發室,備有 「質量分析、高速液相色層分離技術」等最新的分析計測儀器,對於您在從事研究開發及品質管理業務上的各類課題,本公司將由經驗豐富的研究人員以準確的分析手法,進行開發及提案,提供您最完善的支援服務。
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments (Oceania) Pty Ltd
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Headquartered in Sydney and Melbourne Australia , Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Oceania (SOPS), a subsidiary of Shimadzu Corporation (Kyoto, Japan), has developed into an organisation of over 100 staff with 7 offices covering every state of Australia and New Zealand. SOPS covers all aspects of analytical instrumentation consisting of chromatography (HPLC, GC), mass spectrometry (LC-MS, GC-MS, MALDI-TOF MS), spectroscopy (UV/VIS, FTIR, AAS, ICP), and environmental testing (TOC). These product lines are complemented by weighing technologies, testing machines, and biotechnology. Shimadzu's analytical instruments are used for both R&D and process/quality control in chemical, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology laboratories, as well as in the food and semiconductor industries.
Signing Up for a Shimadzu Account
You can register for a Shimadzu account for free with your name and email address. Creating an account gives you access to all site functions, including downloading documents, accessing member-only webinars, personalized recommendations, the bookmark function, faster responses to inquiries, and member-only newsletters.
CLUB for Medical Systems (Global Website, Language: English)
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On SHIMADZU GLOBAL MEMBERS CLUB for Medical Systems (Global Website, Language: English), we introduce products offered by the Medical Systems division of Shimadzu Corporation, primarily focusing on medical X-ray imaging systems. By registering for a SHIMADZU GLOBAL MEMBERS CLUB for Medical Systems account, you can access and utilize members-only content and receive email notifications about new product information, etc. Registration for an account is free.
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Em 1988, foi criada a Shimadzu do Brasil Comércio Ltda. (São Paulo, Brasil). A Shimadzu fornece uma ampla gama de instrumentos analíticos indispensáveis para pesquisa, desenvolvimento e controle de qualidade em uma variedade de campos. Nossos instrumentos sofisticados e de alto nível incluem cromatógrafos, espectrômetros e sistemas de análise elementar e de superfície.
Inscrever-se para uma conta Shimadzu
Você pode se registrar para uma conta My SHIMADZU para o departamento analítico gratuitamente com seu nome e endereço de e-mail. Criar uma conta dá a você acesso a todas as funções do site, incluindo download de documentos, acesso a webinars exclusivos para membros, recomendações personalizadas, função de marcador, respostas mais rápidas a consultas e boletins informativos exclusivos para membros.
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Shimadzu Latin America S.A. se estableció en Uruguay en 2013. Nuestros investigadores experimentados desarrollan y proponen los últimos instrumentos analíticos como "espectrómetro de masas y cromatografía líquida de alta resolución" para respaldar su negocio de I+D y control de calidad.
Registrarse para obtener una cuenta de Shimadzu
Puede registrarse para obtener una cuenta My SHIMADZU for Analytical de forma gratuita con su nombre y dirección de correo electrónico. Crear una cuenta le da acceso a todas las funciones del sitio, incluida la descarga de documentos, el acceso a seminarios web exclusivos para miembros, recomendaciones personalizadas, la función de marcadores, respuestas más rápidas a consultas y boletines exclusivos para miembros.
Shimadzu Europa GmbH
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Shimadzu Europa GmbH is the European headquarters of Shimadzu Corporation (Kyoto, Japan). Shimadzu has been present in Europe since 1968. The European headquarters is located in Duisburg, Germany. Today, Shimadzu employs more than 900 people in Europe and has branches, subsidiaries and strategic partnerships in 48 countries. Unified by a central approach: to provide top class solutions.
Signing Up for a Shimadzu Account
You can register for a My SHIMADZU account for free with your name and email address. Creating an account gives you access to all site functions, including downloading documents, personalized recommendations, the bookmark function, faster responses to inquiries, etc.
My SHIMADZU for Analytical and Measuring Instruments (Shimadzu Austria,
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Unser Produktprogramm umfasst Systeme für die Chromatographie, Massenspektrometrie,
Spektroskopie und Summenparameter (TOC).
Der Geschäftsbereich Biotechnologie beschäftigt sich mit den Wachstumsmärkten Life
Science und
High-Throughput-Screening. Waagen, Software und Systeme der Materialprüftechnik
komplettieren das Angebot.
Seit 1991 vertritt Shimadzu HandelsgesmbH die Länder Österreich, Tschechien, Slowakei,
Rumänien und Bulgarien, mit Partnern in den Ländern Ungarn und Slowenien.
Registrieren für ein Shimadzu-Konto
Sie können sich mit Ihrem Namen und Ihrer E-Mail-Adresse kostenlos für ein My SHIMADZU for Analytical-Konto registrieren. Wenn Sie ein Konto erstellen, erhalten Sie Zugriff auf alle Websites, einschließlich Dokument-Downloads, personalisierter Empfehlungen, Lesezeichen, schnellerer Beantwortung von Anfragen usw.
My SHIMADZU for Analytical and Measuring Instruments (Shimadzu Benelux,
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Shimadzu Europa GmbH is the European headquarters of Shimadzu Corporation (Kyoto, Japan). Shimadzu has been present in Europe since 1968. The European headquarters is located in Duisburg, Germany. Today, Shimadzu employs more than 900 people in Europe and has branches, subsidiaries and strategic partnerships in 48 countries. Unified by a central approach: to provide top class solutions.
Signing Up for a Shimadzu Account
You can register for a My SHIMADZU for Analytical account for free with your name and email address. Creating an account gives you access to all site functions, including downloading documents, personalized recommendations, the bookmark function, faster responses to inquiries, etc.
My SHIMADZU for Analytical and Measuring Instruments (Shimadzu Bulgaria, Language:
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Shimadzu Europa GmbH е европейската централа на Shimadzu Corporation (Киото, Япония). Ние отговаряме за десет дъщерни дружества, няколко под-дъщерни дружества, един клон, осем представителства и много избрани, квалифицирани дистрибутори в Европа. През 1968 г. Shimadzu Europa започва дейност в Дюселдорф (Германия) с пет служители, а от 1987 г. компанията се намира в Дуисбург. Междувременно Shimadzu дава работа на повече от 800 души в Европа и се разви в голяма европейска мрежа с офиси и търговски партньори в 81 града в 48 държави. Обединени от един централен подход: да доставяме решения от най-висок клас.
Регистриране на акаунт в Shimadzu
Можете да се регистрирате за акаунт My SHIMADZU for Analytical безплатно с вашето име и имейл адрес. Създаването на акаунт ви дава достъп до всички функции на сайта, включително изтегляне на документи, персонализирани препоръки, функция за отметки, по-бързи отговори на запитвания и др.
Shimadzu d.o.o. Hrvatska
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Shimadzu Europa GmbH je europska središnjica društva Shimadzu Corporation (Kyoto, Japan). Odgovorna za 13 podružnica i nekolicinu predstavništava, ali i velik broj strogo selektiranih, kvalificiranih distributera u Europi. Godine 1968. tvrtka Shimadzu Europa je započela s radom u Düsseldorfu (Njemačka) sa svega pet zaposlenika, a od 1987. je preseljena u Duisburg gdje i danas ima svoje sjedište. U međuvremenu je Shimadzu Europa zaposlila više od 800 ljudi i razvila se u veliku europsku mrežu s uredima i trgovinskim partnerima u 81 gradu od ukupno 48 zemalja s objedinjenin zajedničkim središnjim pristupom: pružiti vrhunska rješenja.
Signing Up for a Shimadzu Account
You can register for a My SHIMADZU account for free with your name and email address. Creating an account gives you access to all site functions, including downloading documents, personalized recommendations, the bookmark function, faster responses to inquiries, etc.
My SHIMADZU for Analytical and Measuring Instruments (Shimadzu Česká republika,
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Shimadzu Europa GmbH je evropské ústředí společnosti Shimadzu Corporation (Kjóto, Japonsko). Jsme zodpovědní za deset dceřiných společností, několik dceřiných společností, jednu pobočku, osm zastoupení a mnoho pečlivě vybraných kvalifikovaných distributorů v Evropě. V roce 1968 Shimadzu Europa zahájila provoz v Düsseldorfu (Německo) s pěti zaměstnanci a od roku 1987 sídlí v Duisburgu. Mezitím Shimadzu zaměstnává více než 800 lidí v Evropě a vyvinulo se do velké evropské sítě s kancelářemi a obchodními partnery v 81 městech ve 48 zemích. Spojeno jedním centrálním přístupem: poskytovat špičková řešení.
Registrace účtu Shimadzu
Můžete se zaregistrovat k bezplatnému účtu My SHIMADZU for Analytical se svým jménem a e-mailovou adresou. Vytvořením účtu získáte přístup ke všem webům, včetně stahování dokumentů, přizpůsobených doporučení, funkcí záložek, rychlejších odpovědí na otázky a dalších.
My SHIMADZU for Analytical and Measuring Instruments (Shimadzu France, Language:
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En 2002, la filiale française de Shimadzu est créée. En s’appuyant sur l’instrumentation mise au point par Shimadzu Corporation, l’équipe d’ingénieurs d’applications présente en France développe ses propres solutions analytiques pour les laboratoires afin de proposer des solutions complètes, éprouvées et fiables. Shimadzu met son expertise au service de vos équipes et de vos laboratoires afin de répondre au mieux aux exigences règlementaires et de suivi qualité de la production, ainsi qu’aux nouveaux défis analytiques qui se présentent à vous.
Créer un compte Shimadzu
Vous pouvez créer gratuitement un compte My SHIMADZU for Analytical avec votre nom et votre adresse e-mail. La création d'un compte vous donne accès à tous les sites : téléchargement de documents, recommandations personnalisées, fonction favoris, réponses plus rapides aux demandes, etc.
My SHIMADZU for Analytical and Measuring Instruments (Shimadzu Deutschland GmbH,
Language: German)
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Shimadzu bietet ein breites Produktportfolio analytischer Geräte, die für Forschung, Entwicklung und Qualitätskontrolle in verschiedenen Bereichen unverzichtbar sind. Unsere hochmodernen Systeme umfassen Chromatographie, Massenspektrometrie sowie molekulare und elementare Spektroskopiegeräte. Darüber hinaus bieten wir ein breites Spektrum an hochpräziser physikalischer Prüf- und Messtechnik an, die für die Produktentwicklung und Qualitätssicherung unerlässlich ist.
Registrieren für ein Shimadzu-Konto
Mit Ihrem Namen und Ihrer E-Mail-Adresse können Sie sich kostenlos für ein My SHIMADZU Konto registrieren. Wenn Sie ein Konto erstellen, erhalten Sie Zugriff auf alle Websiteinhalte, einschließlich Dokumenten-Downloads und personalisierten Empfehlungen. Darüber hinaus können Sie eigene Lesezeichen setzen.
My SHIMADZU for Analytical and Measuring Instruments (Shimadzu Italia,
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Fondata nel 1875 e presente in più di 100 paesi, Shimadzu Corporation produce un’ampia
gamma di strumenti analitici indispensabili
per la ricerca, lo sviluppo e il controllo qualità in diversi settori di attività quali
alimentare, ambientale, farmaceutico e cosmetico, clinico, chimico e
Dal 1991, con l’inaugurazione della sede a Milano, Shimadzu Italia diventa presto un
punto di riferimento che, grazie alla propria struttura distribuita su tutto il
territorio nazionale,
nel corso di oltre 30 anni ha visto l’espansione dei propri uffici commerciali,
amministrativi e marketing e del supporto specialistico - applicativo, per tutte le
linee di prodotto.
Registrazione di un account Shimadzu
Puoi registrarti gratuitamente per all'account My SHIMADZU for Analytical con il tuo nome e il tuo indirizzo email. La creazione dell'account permette l'accesso a tutti i siti, incluso il download di documenti, consigli, troubleshooting, ecc.
My SHIMADZU for Analytical and Measuring Instruments (Shimadzu Benelux,
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Shimadzu Europa GmbH is the European headquarters of Shimadzu Corporation (Kyoto, Japan). Shimadzu has been present in Europe since 1968. The European headquarters is located in Duisburg, Germany. Today, Shimadzu employs more than 900 people in Europe and has branches, subsidiaries and strategic partnerships in 48 countries. Unified by a central approach: to provide top class solutions.
Signing Up for a Shimadzu Account
You can register for a My SHIMADZU for Analytical account for free with your name and email address. Creating an account gives you access to all site functions, including downloading documents, personalized recommendations, the bookmark function, faster responses to inquiries, etc.
My SHIMADZU for Analytical and Measuring Instruments (Shimadzu Romania,
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Vă puteți înscrie gratuit pentru un cont My SHIMADZU for Analytical cu numele și adresa de e-mail. Crearea unui cont vă oferă acces la toate site-urile, inclusiv descărcarea de documente, recomandări personalizate, funcția de marcare, răspunsuri mai rapide la întrebări etc.
Înregistrarea pentru un cont Shimadzu
Vă puteți înregistra pentru un cont gratuit My SHIMADZU for Analytical cu numele și adresa de e-mail. Crearea unui cont vă oferă acces la toate site-urile, inclusiv descărcarea de documente, recomandări personalizate, marcare, răspunsuri mai rapide la întrebări etc.
My SHIMADZU for Analytical and Measuring Instruments (Shimadzu Slovakia,
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Shimadzu Europa GmbH je európska centrála spoločnosti Shimadzu Corporation (Kyoto, Japonsko). Sme zodpovední za desať dcérskych spoločností, niekoľko druhotných- dcérskych spoločností, jednu pobočku, osem zastupiteľských kancelárií a mnoho vybraných, kvalifikovaných distribútorov v Európe. V roku 1968 Shimadzu Europa spustila prevádzku v Düsseldorfe (Nemecko) s piatimi zamestnancami a od roku 1987 sídli v Duisburgu. Medzitým Shimadzu zamestnáva viac ako 800 ľudí v Európe a rozvinul sa do veľkej európskej siete s kanceláriami a obchodnými partnermi v 81 mestách v 48 krajinách. Zjednotené jedným centrálnym prístupom: poskytovať špičkové riešenia.
Registrácia účtu Shimadzu
Môžete sa zaregistrovať na bezplatný účet My SHIMADZU for Analytical pomocou svojho mena a e-mailovej adresy. Vytvorením účtu získate prístup ku všetkým stránkam vrátane sťahovania dokumentov, prispôsobených odporúčaní, pridávania do záložiek, rýchlejších odpovedí na otázky a ďalších.
My SHIMADZU for Analytical and Measuring Instruments (Shimadzu Schweiz,
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Shimadzu Europa GmbH is the European headquarters of Shimadzu Corporation (Kyoto, Japan). Shimadzu has been present in Europe since 1968. The European headquarters is located in Duisburg, Germany. Today, Shimadzu employs more than 900 people in Europe and has branches, subsidiaries and strategic partnerships in 48 countries. Unified by a central approach: to provide top class solutions.
Signing Up for a Shimadzu Account
You can register for a My SHIMADZU for Analytical account for free with your name and email address. Creating an account gives you access to all site functions, including downloading documents, personalized recommendations, the bookmark function, faster responses to inquiries, etc.
My SHIMADZU for Analytical and Measuring Instruments (Shimadzu UK Limited,
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Shimadzu provides a broad range of analytical instruments indispensable for research, development, and quality control in a variety of fields. Our state-of-the-art instrumentation includes chromatography, mass spectrometry as well as molecular and elemental spectroscopy equipment. We also provide a broad range of high-precision physical testing and measuring technology that is essential for product development and quality assurance.
Signing Up for a Shimadzu Account
You can register for a My SHIMADZU for Analytical account for free with your name and email address. Creating an account gives you access to all site functions, including downloading documents, personalised recommendations, the bookmark function, faster responses to inquiries, etc.
My SHIMADZU for Analytical and Measuring Instruments (Asia Pacific, Language: English)
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Established in 1989, Shimadzu Asia Pacific proudly serves as the Asia headquarters of Shimadzu Corporation, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to excellence
in the field of analytical and measuring instruments.
With more than 500 employees across five subsidiaries in India, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam, Shimadzu Asia Pacific is well positioned to meet the diverse needs of our customers.
Signing Up for a Shimadzu Account
You can register for a My SHIMADZU for Analytical account for free with your name and email address. Creating an account gives you access to all site functions, including downloading documents, personalized recommendations, the bookmark function, and faster responses to inquiries, etc.